coalition in 2003. former cia senior analyst john nixon grilled hussein after his capture and writes about it in a new book, "debriefing the president" the integration of saddam hussein. we spoke recently. >> really a fascinating profile, as you look at saddam hussein here. and you describe him as a man of contradictions, charming on the one hand, charismatic, but also brute -- just brutally vicious. >> yes, yes. he was, from the very beginning, our talks has a certain pattern, and in the beginning, he was very kind, very gentle, very nice, very smart, and self-deprecating is and witty, but over time, another saddam emerged, and that was a saddam that seemed to be kind of nasty and mean-spirited and vicious and a little scary at times. in a sense, he was very human in that regard. >> yeah, well, web s saw that i