the guess the big-picture question to you is, he's done this before, right? before the intelligence services come out and are definitive, even when everyone knows that's probably the way it's going to go but they don't have the facts yet, he will come out and say it. is that better to be definitive, use the word "islamic terror," is that more or less effective than waiting and following the intelligence community? >> well, sometimes we need to do both. i mean, what is terrorism? we always thought the definition of terrorism is the innocent killing of sieve civilian for political purposes or some other agenda. these both look very much like terrorism, in terms of certainly the comments that were made after the killing of the russian ambassador in turkey, and in the circumstances of what happened in germany. >> what about -- i guess what i'm focused on is the use of the word "islamic." >> i didn't hear from his comments whether he used that phrase or not. clearly, we know a lot of terrorism is going on, know isis