over the truck or they, or he, had carjacked or truckjacked the truck and it's a legitimate load. poland is not a terrorism hotbed. i think it's highly likely that this was a hijacking situation. and i think it shows how adaptable these terrorist organizations and their followers are. can't get into a venue on foot, you kill them with a truck. can't get inside the airport perimeter, you set off your bombs outside the perimeter. they're constantly adapting. this is becoming a trend. >> and phil, you know, donald trump coming out and not only, you know, talking about isis and other islamist terrorists right away, is it fair at this point, for you, to go that far to say certainly isis? i mean, it certainly fits the profile. >> it doesn't matter if it fits profile. it's not a fact. >> so you're saying -- >> i'm sorry -- >> yes, and furthermore, the comments about turkey are way too early. you got a humanitarian disaster in syria, the russian ambassador