that have worked. we have american businesses that have been in russia for 20 and 30 years and these are fortune 500 companies that do $50 billion worth of work in russia a year. can that not be used as a conduit for communication and some cooperation and a positive sense? i think most americans will say we need to have a new and a better chapter with russia. >> jack kingston, thank you very much for your perspective. again, best for christmas for the family. >> thank you, chris. great to be with you. be well. a horrible story to tell you about. a manhunt is under way in little rock, arkansas, for a driver accused of shooting and killing a toddler during an apparent case of road rage. cnn's miguel marquez is here with more. migu miguel, what have you learned? >> just a horrific and cowardly situation. the grandmother was driving, but apparently not fast enough for the person behind her. that man began honking trying to get her to speed up. she had two kids in the car. a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old. maybe she was taking extra