headed for a downfall? >> just before the last election, president johnson appointed a special commission to look into the problem of pornography and its impact on the american people. the republicans moved into the white house, but the commission went right on working. >> the presidential commission was a group of censors who believed the devil had penetrated too deeply into our society. >> the basic finding of the commission was that an analysis of all available studies shows no correlation between the availability of such sex-oriented materials and the rate of sex crimes or sexual pathology. says the report, patrons of such places may be characterized as, quote, predominantly white, middle-class, middle-aged married males dressed in business suits or neat casual attire. >> when johnson set up this commission, he really was trying to produce a view that said pornography's bad. in studying the issue, they changed their view of pornography and said, it's just not that big a deal. >> some enterprising publisher