she's now suggesting that putin ordered cyber attacks against her campaign and the democratic national committee because he has a personal grudge against her. we'll guess a republican response from marcia blackburn, and our correspond ens and analysts are standing by as we bring you full coverage of today's top stories. first to our white house correspondent michelle kosinski. you were there at the president's news conference. there were a lot of questions about russian hacking. >> reporter: this was abhour and a half long news conference focused on the hacking, russian influence on the election. you could almost picture vladimir putin watching this and being very pleased with the turmoil he's been able to cause. you're right, the president said it without saying it, making it very clear, though, that he does believe that putin himself had a direct role in all of this. the president defended his administration's actions, defended the fbi, when asked if this was a free and fair election he could only go so far