investigation, so it's not as though there is no scrutiny of this. but let's see what happens you know. donald trump is not yet president. obviously he's taken positions on russia that that have dismissed some of the conclusions of the intelligence agencies about what happened. but i think maybe this is an issue that is still percolating and we need to see what happens. >> susan page, jason johnson, thanks as always. we're just moments away from the opening bell on wall street. alison kosik and the new york stock exchange. >> good morning, carol. i am expecting to see some caution when the opening bell ring in about three minutes from now. what a year it's been. the dow is up 13%. the nasdaq up almost 9% and the s&p 500 up 10.5%. but i'm seeing caution ahead of the fed meeting which begins tomorrow and this decision day coming on wednesday. so at this time last year when the fed met, member wound up hiking interest rates for the first time in almost a decade so