that was an attempt to influence that election. on a much larger scale what the russians did is very akin to that. >> okay. >> carol, real quick, i just wanted to clarify real quick, we have no, and the fbi has no indication that the russians did get in to the rnc system. what they did get into, we're told, is third party organizations that did have some access to rnc data. so that's been a little bit of a misunderstanding over the last few months. we've repeatedly heard allegations that they did get into the rnc and perhaps sat on that information. right now the investigation is not showing that. >> okay. so thank you for clarifying. so, jill, we're sitting here and we're talking about this. we're talking about russia possibly influencing an american election. and tipping the scales toward one candidate. so is vladimir putin sitting back and, you know, kind of laughing at the united states? >> you know i think he's getting back at the united states for