decide. space pioneer and longtime senator john glenn died yesterday in ohio at the age of 95. glenn became the first american to orbit the earth in 1962. dramatic testimony in day two of the dylann roof murder trial. jurors shown disturbing images of the aftermath of the charleston church massacre, including video of the suspect arriving and leaving the church moments after allegedly killing nine people. police reports in oakland show officers visited the site of last week's deadly warehouse fire several times over the past couple of years and would have seen the hazards. the fire chief told cnn it is unclear if safety inspectors checked the building. panda twins born here in the u.s. they're having a tough time adjusting to life in china, even though that's much closer to the indigenous lands that they -- they're said to have trouble understanding their trainers. this is about language, not location. >> these guys have trainers? >> and about the food there. supposedly, there's been an

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Earth ,Age ,John Glenn ,American ,Space Pioneer ,Testimony ,Ohio ,Dylann Roof Murder Trial ,95 ,1962 ,Two ,People ,Video ,Police Reports ,Site ,Aftermath ,Suspect ,Deadly Warehouse Fire ,Jurors ,Images ,Charleston Church Massacre ,Oakland ,Nine ,Cnn ,America ,Safety Inspectors ,Times ,Hazards ,Twins ,Building ,Fire Chief ,Panda ,China ,Language ,Life ,Trainers ,Lands ,Food ,Location ,Trouble ,Guys ,

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