the lone astronaut took off becoming the first american to orbit the earth. >> i feel fine. oh, that view is tremendous. >> reporter: those close to him remember his bravery. >> think about this. he's sitting on a rocket that had failed twice in some of the previous tests and nobody had ever done that before. he's going at this incredible speed and he's looking out the window and admiring the view. >> reporter: glenn celebrated as an american hero, earning the congressional space medal of honor. his legacy so great the government decided he was too valuable to risk in another spaceflight. glenn retired from nasa in 1964 and won a senate seat in 1974 representing ohio, where he served for 24 years. in 1984, he ran for president. >> with the nomination of my party, i firmly believe i can beat ronald reagan. >> reporter: he lost the democratic nomination, but went

Related Keywords

Including Carls Jr ,View ,American ,Astronaut ,Earth ,Bravery ,Some ,John Glenn Hero ,Nobody ,Rocket ,Tests ,Speed ,Window ,The View ,American Hero ,Government ,Nasa ,Spaceflight ,Legacy ,Seat ,Senate ,Congressional Space Medal Of Honor ,Ohio Hospital ,1964 ,1974 ,President ,Democrat ,Nomination ,Party ,Ronald Reagan ,24 ,1984 ,

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