appointment that president obama liked and approved of and was in his camp on. i wond who aer who that is? >> i don't know about that reporting, but you have clearly seen a change in posture of president-elect trump toward president obama since election day, since that first meeting between the two of them two days after election day when it looked clear to me, anyway, with the two of them sitting in the oval office, that president-elect trump had a new sobriety about his demeanor after having sat down and talked about some serious issues with president obama. it makes sense that if president obama is willing to provide advice, that at least during the transition face, president-elect trump will take it. but 45 days from now, donald trump will be no longer taking advice but making the decisions. >> david, back to you. a president of a divided america, trump didn't like that and said at the end of the interview that it was snarky. he said, i didn't divide them. they are divided now and i'm