make you an enabler. and by being an enabler, does that then make you -- what does that make you then? >> there is a heroic position of saying even if it's going to cost my family a job i'm going to vote against this guy because i want to be right by people of color and other folks. that's the heroic position. then there's the villainous position, i'm going to stick it to those darkies. i just don't think these people are the worst, because they're not the worst. >> that's what this conversation is about, i understand. >> it's messy. >> do they understand that muslims, people of color, especially women of color who voted overwhelmingly for hillary clinton, they don't have the luxury to ignore that because they're faced with it on so many levels every single moment of their lives, every single day? >> i think i learned, we are now all in our own filter bubbles.