>> so how should we see what donald trump is saying? it doesn't seem nuanced at all. it seems he's saying i'm going to punish companies who move jobs overseas by putting a tax on whatever they sell back here. doesn't seem like it's part of any coordinated subtle negotiation. >> oh, i think it is. this is the parry and thrust at the beginning of a discussion. all these thunderstorms you're hearing are the preface to a serious conversation. i think what you see this president-elect saying is we're going to have serious conversations. what happened in this election was a recall. it wasn't that president obama was bad. it wasn't that the policies were bad. it wasn't that they failed tremendously. it was that america wanted something different. and something different is making everybody accountable. just drawing clear lines. so part of the clear lines are we're going to have an equal battlefield. >> just so you understand, just for the people watching, because this audience is very engaged. they've been following this whole thing. that all sounds very reasonable,