former obama white house chief economic adviser austin goolsbee and former director of the nonpartisan congressional budget office douglas holt eken. okay i'm going to start with you christine. carrier is owned by united technologies. united technologies makes aircraft parts. the unknown here is this. did donald trump threaten to pull federal defense contracts from united if it didn't save those carrier jobs? >> it didn't even have to. you have the president-elect of the united states calling the ceo of united technologies. united technologies had some almost $6 billion of contracts with the federal government, and on the campaign trail donald trump has said i'm going to put a tax on that company. i'm going to tax them for sending jobs overseas, and then bringing the product back to the united states. so if you're the ceo of united technologies, what do you do? you play ball with donald trump at this point. that's what's so remarkable at this point. we haven't had a ceo or a president rather who's been able to make a company keep jobs in the u.s. what were the sweeteners here?