is that sources in the romney world have kind of gone dark on this. and kevin you know this better than i do. but they are dark. mitt romney isn't talking to them. they are not talking a lot to us. and and romney is not lobbying for the job. nor has he asked anybody to lobby on his behalf for the job. if he gets it it is clear to me he want this is job or he wouldn't be having dinner there tonight. if he gets it great. if he doesn't, he'll go back to his life. >> even if he's not the pick it does help donald trump to not only have a relationship with mitt romney but to be seen to be consulting him. >> yeah, no i think this is -- we don't really know what donald trump is up too here. we don't know how serious he is about romney or if he's just doing this to make it very clear that not only did he win but now the person who's tearing him down is coming and being a --