comment forever if he decides to lock out the press for the duration. >> this extraordinary thing, where his commentary is mostly through twitter. now that is the way he has been communicating with the american people. millions of people, and i think a lot of his supporters don't mind that but it means you're not subject to the kind of scrutiny that the press provides. reporters don't do that for reporters. reporters do it because we're there as a representative of the american people. >> for instance, the press pool was there on 9/11 and travelled around with then-president george w. bush. turning to tom price, the congressman tapped to be the new secretary of the department of homeland -- of health and human services. what does this mean, do you think, in terms of the american people and in terms of insurance and in terms of presumiums. >> he is one of the few republicans who has had a plan to repeal and replace obamacare. i think from like 2007, 2008 on -- 2009, excuse me. so he is not someone who comes to this as sort of an empty