attitude toward sexuality. >> they were painting a picture of women as strong and versatile as sexual creatures. that was not a popular idea before then. >> before the 1970s, it wasn't uncommon not to know anything about sex going into your wedding night, not to understand the sexual process or understand your body at all. >> in those days, asking doctors a question -- and of course a majority of doctors were men, it was very unusual to find a woman doctor -- often what they said is, don't worry your pretty little head about it, to women. "our bodies our selves" grew out of the women's liberation movement. >> it was the first book that's really by women, for women about their bodies. >> if you combine that with the pill, you have a pretty potent mix of, wow, i could really take charge of my life in this way. and they did. >> there were like two dialogues about sex in the country and the