is engaging in the parlor games against romney is doing him no favor. >> all right. romney and those around him, hearing anna novarro loud and clear, though, jfry, what were you going to say? >> i was going to say the russian involvement goes well beyond what anne is talking about, what about wikileaks and the every day releasing some of john modesta's e-mails and what is the responsibility of us in the news media who reported that day after day without pointing out day after day that it was a russian propaganda effort. >> we did point it out. even then it still is. i felt like we pointed out that even then it's out there and you can't put that back in the bottle. i wonder general hurtling, i agree with you on that thing, general, when for you for someone who has served your country for so many years i wonder what your perspective is on the meddling? >> well, russia is known for