what was different about your family? >> lupe: my mother and my father were very intelligent, and politically oriented, and active so, you know, i got book smart and street smart, you know. >> anthony: floyd webb is an old family friend. this is lupe's mom shirley as becomes quickly apparent, she is along with being an extraordinarily good cook and extraordinary and determined human being. man, this is so outrageously, delicious, wow. the whole time we're eating by the way people moving in and out of shirley's small apartment. the place, clearly a hub for a tightly knit community of friends and family. so what age were you when you came to chicago? >> shirley: i was 13. the worst thing that my family could ever done was left the south, was left mississippi, should have stayed. >> anthony: but this was the land of opportunity here and detroit, great cities in the north. >> shirley: it was, then, we