shows, that's why night after night you turn on these serials and they all seem as if they came out of the same bread box. [ applause ] >> back then you had lots and lots of copycats. you have "the addams family" and then "the munsters," you have "bewitched." and then "i dream of jeanie." the old saying is imitation is the sincerest form of television so if one person is doing this fan tasticcal hit, we'll do that. >> now, is that considered a crime? >> i'm afraid not. there aren't any laws to protect us against bad tv shows yet. so you're safe. >> well, thank you. >> what i'm surprised by are some of the shows i can't even imagine the pitch meetings for. like "hogan's heroes." >> it's a story about american prisoners of war in a nazi concentration camp which doesn't sound like it's a funny comedy. >> why don't they trust us, schultz? [ laughter ] >> that shows you how weird the '60s was right there. >> there is another one of our fine shows this year. pit stop!