there's always a lot of technical stuff behind the sceneses, stress and pressure but you realize you're documenting history. i think the aerial stuff to me was what was very special about this. >> let's talk about because that's your specialty, capturing aerials of cities around the world at night. election night you boarded a cnn helicopter which, by the way, was the only aircraft to prove to fly in restricted nyc air space that night. what did you want to capture over nyc as both candidates waited below for election results? >> we had a pretty specific mandate to capture the south side of the empire state building where they were projecting the results, which is a pretty incredible event in and of itself. we saw the results coming in live. the interesting thing is we were told bit secret service we had to fly at a minimum of 70 knots. that's almost 100 miles an hour at all times. we couldn't cover. while you were seeing nice and steady images on the screen, inside it felt like a rodeo, because we were rotating at 45