we don't know what all his business endeavors are and where they extend. >> important point. >> this is an area where, i think, we are going to see sustained focus and concern, unless they can draw broader lines than reince priebus saying, trust us. >> he can release his tax returns and let people know, these are the business interests i hold and these are the ones i don't hold. you said whoever he chooses to be white house counsel is so important here, as we look at him walking out of more of the meetings add bedminster. but you heard reince priebus say in the interview with jake tapper this morning, white house ko council will take care of it. >> the new chief staff at the white house already laid down the marker on one of the most important hires that donald trump will face sooner rather than later. the choice of a white house counsel. not a corporate lawyer from his trump organization but someone who knows government ethics and