protesters -- do you have any sense how long they plan to stay out here tonight? >> i'm not sure. >> how long are you planning to stay out here tonight? >> as long as i can. >> and one of the protesters were shouting you all should have voted. did you vote? >> yes i did. >> hillary clinton. >> yes. >> hillary clinton also saying at this point, hillary clinton saying that what she would like to see going forward is to respect this president and work with him. what are you thoughts about that? >> it is going to be a long, rough four years, but we're gonna have to do it. >> thank you very much. really appreciate that. anderson, want to throw it back to you. >> jason, thanks very much. want to continue with the panel as we watch this. van, at the end, that young woman saying not only that she voted but we're going to have to work the other. >> give them their opportunity.