had. i watched the debates. i think she was very well spoken. i like how she works with children and families. >> you think she would be good for women as well. >> absolutely. >> you're not so excited car lynn to see the first woman president. >> it's sad i would have voted for a woman, but i can't back her with the stuff that's come out from the e-mails. the anti-christian type thing. >> why are you backing trump or is it more anti-clinton. >> i actually am backing trump. as a businesswoman and he's a businessman. i like what he's done with his own businesses. the thing that come out about losing the 900 million. the as a business person, maybe he bought something. we don't know. >> what about the accusers that have come forward, the access hollywood tape. >> no, most of it has been debunk. i'm more worried about a criminal using a private server. >> how do you feel about -- really you've already voted.