at the foundation for defense of democracies and a counterterrorism expert. phil, got experience with the fbi. >> yeah. >> what is your take on why the director came out now, so close to the election, with all this talk of custom of not doing this? >> pretty simple answer. fbi walks into the office, the agents walk into the director's conference room and give him a choice. you mr. director said in july there wasn't anything further to pursue, there wasn't going to be a criminal prosecution so you leave the electorate with the concept that this is a dead issue. you either allow that misperception to live when you decided to allow the fbi to investigate these new e-mails or you come out now and say we're going to take a look, even though maybe in a month you're going to have to say we still found nothing here. rock and a hard place. >> well, that's that if. let me bring that to you davide. mudd's assertion is you can't leave the electorate with a