>> anderson. >> and when women hear that, they say oh, he's been at my house, because i've had that conversation. >> all right. >> and can i just add, it is also incredibly powerful that it's coming from an african-american man. >> yeah,. >> because there is an issue in some communities of color, at least in latino communities, with machismo. so when you see a person you respect so much like the obama coalition does, and you listen to him making that case for a woman to be commander in chief, you listen. and i think it's incredibly impactful not just for women but for the men that are listening as well. >> we've got to take a break. just ahead, the trump supporter behind the smear campaign in utah against third-party candidate evan mcmullin who's closing in there. a robocall with a pretty vicious edge. >> i make this call against evan mcmullin and in support of donald trump. evan is over 40 years old and is not married and doesn't even have a girlfriend. i believe evan is a closet homosexual. who says i shouldn't have a soda everyday?