turned over all my e-mails and then saying that she did not know or i don't exactly know what she's even said about having her private server. she had 13 different devices. huma abedin saying that she turned over her e-mails and 650,000 of them turn up on her husband's computer. i mean, this is a very strange year. and yes, i do think that if hillary clinton was elected, we're going to have all kinds of investigations and all kinds of uncertainty. >> okay, jack, i'll go to robert now. unfortunately, robert cannot hear you. >> i can't hear him. >> so try to -- >> i've been on jack before. you know, he's a surrogate, he reads a great script, i have to admit. but as a former congressman, i'm sure he would probably talk about what alberto gonzalez said, republican attorney general, mike mccaskill. they though what fbi director comey did was outrageous. from my perspective, the vote isn't going to be about e-mails. what's amazing is over the last