polls. will that happen again for the less inspiring hillary clinton candida candidacy? if there's news that makes democrats less enthusiastic, republican constituencies tend to vote. they're the people who pay their cable bills on the day it arrives. democrats, maybe yes, maybe no. >> how does this play to them in terms of is this something that makes them say, oh, i guess she has real trouble, or does it make them play the, wow, look, they're really out to get her. this guy hasn't even looked at the e-mails yet and he's coming out this close to an election when i've heard people like jeffrey say you're not supposed to do that. >> i think my own attitude towards sports. i generally know 48 hours before the super bowl who's in it. i may know the name of one of the quarterbacks. but that's it. and i can be easily influenced by stray bits of information. in the same way, late deciding voters do not follow politics