>> anthony: fellow congolese/houston transplants guy mullet and >> constant: ngouala, chefs when not tending their crops, prepare an outdoor meal for the lombos and a group of friends and fellow farmers. congolese, but with a definite cajun touch. or is it the other way around? a slow cooked stew of sausage, shrimp, dried mackerel, and malabar spinach over fufu. then texas beef brochettes marinated in chilies and cilantro and maggi bouillon with a ratatouille made from produce grown right here. 01:35:20:08 >> anthony: what did you all think when, when you heard that you were going to be resettled in texas? >> constant: in, in in my country when people are talking about texas, they know that is where many farmer is. >> anthony: really? and now do you feel welcome? do you feel the >> gertrude: wonderful.

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Anthony Houston Musical Artist ,Houston ,Shrimp ,Way ,Friends ,Meal ,Sausage ,Mullet ,Farmers ,Constant ,Group ,Crops ,Cajun ,Malabar Spinach ,Stew ,Mackerel ,Congolese ,Blombos ,Ngouala ,Texas ,La Anthony ,Chilies ,Cilantro ,Produce ,Brochettes ,Resettled ,Ratatouille ,Bouillon ,Maggi ,35 ,20 ,01 ,08 ,People ,Country ,Farmer ,Gertrude ,

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