still on the map. a chance still to change the race. look at north carolina. always competitive, 48 for clinton. 47 for trump. this one, competitive in '08 and in 2012. looks like it will be competitive to the end. slight clinton lead there, but really that's a virtual tie, a statistical dead heat. out in nevada, key to both obama victories. but 46 for clinton, 47 for trump. gary johnson gets 7. that's a statistical tie. a very close race in another battleground state. and here's one reason nevada is so close. the latino vote, critical to both big obama wins. 10% is going to third party candidates, the libertarian, gary johnson. clinton still has a big lead over donald trump, but she would love some of those votes to come them to the democrats. let's move to the midwest, battleground, ohio, a critical state, absolutely must-win for donald trump. and he's already tweeted how happy he is with these results. 48 for trump, 44 for clinton. johnson and stein at the bottom of the pack in battleground ohio. the clinton campaign says they're still in play in ohio,