50% surge in homicides. >> news anchor 3: people shot to death and at least 60 others wounded. >> anthony: however much you might love chicago, want to celebrate its general awesomeness, its character, its architecture, its food. there's no getting away from the ugly fact that chicago's south side is also currently the murder capital of america. why do you think people are killing each other in such large numbers in chicago and not in new york? >> webb: let's be clear, it's only a few spots, it isn't the whole city. it's not the whole city. >> lupe: to be honest, chi-raq, is englewood. >> anthony: it's a pretty staggering body count. >> lupe: the sad part is it's been like this, right and the only reason the story now is white people looking at it. oh, that's terrible, that's been like this for 30 years. how come it wasn't terrible 30 years ago when you probably could have actually did something about it? >> anthony: does a hip-hop artist, have any obligation really to, to speak about anything positive or even smarter than cars, girls or where's my money?