did call me and said don't forget, she's coming, she's coming. i want you to call her. i said, okay, okay, i will. i will. i did call her the second day she was at the law school and that's when i met her. >> hillary accepted a position to teach at the university of arkansas law school. and to expand the school's legal aid clinic. but while hillary was starting her new career, bill was busy running his first campaign. >> i had never known anybody in politics before. so i was a little bit hesitant to be thrust into that but it was his dream. i wanted to support him but i also wanted to be sure that i was continuing my work as well. >> i mean, she was so smart and she was so good. >> jim blair and his girl friend, diane, bonded with hillary almost immediately. >> you would be very surprised to know that an awful lot of times politics was discussed.