and we can expect the situation here at the moment stable but deteriorate in the future that is the direction it is going in, kyra. >> nic robertson there in damascus, we will continue to follow that story with you. back here at home, we are getting word now of a tornado warping near houston. alexandra steele following this for us what do we have? >> 9:45 until 9:45 central time. houston's in harris county, for two counties, harris county and fort bend county. you can see this delineates where this tornado warping is. law enforcement have reported seeing a funnel cloud near mission bend. this cell, moving east about 30 miles per hour. so locations in this tore died in warning are pretty big, the medical center in houston, reliant park, minute maid park, hobby airport, just to name a few. again this tornado, seen on radar moving east, 30 miles per hour, tornado warping now including the city of houston until 9:45 central time. a live look at houston right

Related Keywords

Story ,Kyra Phillips ,Home ,Tornado Warping ,Word ,Situation ,Direction ,Nic Robertson ,Damascus ,Houston ,Central Time ,Counties ,Harris County ,Alexandra Steele ,Two ,45 ,9 ,Delineates ,Fort Bend County ,Locations ,Law Enforcement ,Warning ,Cell ,Funnel Cloud Near Mission Bend ,30 ,Few ,Look ,Center ,Radar ,Tornado ,Hobby Airport ,Minute Maid Park ,Reliant Park ,

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