whenever you want to be, you're a little stricter, right? you want to eat clean. once you get there, here aels the secret where this. all you have do, you can pretty much eat what you want within limitation. if you want wings, you can do that in moderation. but you can eat. what i used to do and what most do, they starve themselves, work out a lot and then i would start at night. i would get skinny -- >> but thenl you rebound. you used to say, i starve, starve, starve, your fails is sunken in, you crave and are irritable and cranky. then you rebound. >> my team now knows what was behind it. >> so you need to enjoy your food. once you stabilize your blood sugar, the second strategy is optimizing your exercise, getting the right cardio training. >> pace yourself. this is my experience, and this is the first thing that's really