then at 3 clock a soldier will tell a court hearing why explosives were found in his carry on luggage at the mid land texas airport last week. tray atater said he didn't realize they were there. then at 6:30 dorothy burkhart has a court hearing. her son is a us coulded of setting 52 fires in los angeles out of anger over his mother's situation. we're following lots of developments in the next hour of "cnn newsroom." let's start with christine romans. >> hi, kyra. i'm following the jobs report. 200,000 jobs added to the economy in december. the jobless rate fell to 8.5%. is this sustainable and what does it mean for you and your job search. >> reporter: i'm joe johns in conway, south carolina. mitt romney is flying high in the polls in new hampshire, but is he getting any traction in the palmetto state? i'll have a report coming up.

Related Keywords

Court Hearing ,Tray Atater ,Soldier ,Explosives ,Luggage ,Carry ,Mid Land Texas Airport Last ,3 ,Us ,Son ,Situation ,Dorothy Burkhart ,Lots ,Danger ,Mother ,Fires ,Developments ,Los Angeles ,Coulded ,6 ,30 ,52 ,Jobs ,Economy ,Kyra Phillips ,Rate ,Christine Romans ,Cnn Newsroom ,Jobs Report ,Hi ,200000 ,8 5 ,Mitt Romney ,New Hampshire ,Reporter ,Report ,South Carolina ,Polls ,Joe Johns ,Traction ,Conway ,Job Search ,

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