because you do had math, it would add up pretty quick. at three bucks a pop, a thousand views, three grand and so on. so that's what this holly had to say, this is a facebook issue. and she put it on youtube. that is how she claims it got out there. >> i listened to the whole thing. about 4 minutes, 21 seconds. no mention of caylee. the only thing she mentioned is her newly adopted dog. >> we watched it like you over and over again and counted where she said the words my or mine, 40 plus times. and that fits with the narcissus we have seen, casey anthony to be. all about her. and the cynics out there, and i guess admittedly, i'm one of tlem, that would say, there is a business move. her name has not been in the move. she hasn't landed the big money interview as of yet. let's get letter name back out there. to your point, erin, nothing of sunstance is mentioned. other than she is happy to have a computer an camera and things to call her own. a new dog.