six police officers were shot overnight while serving a search warrant in utah. that was drug-related. they are recovering in the hospital this morning. apparently, only one suspect there. >> also in the hospital, right? >> yes, also in the hospital. >> we'll continue to watch that. also, guess what? some huge announcements coming. pictures like this may not be as voluminous if the government gets its way. president obama is about to announce we're going to cut a lot of troops and change our war tragedy. we're not going to be so capable of fighting two wars at once if what he says is going to be the way of the future. so, you know the dallas teenager that was deported by mistake? well, her family says she was sent to colombia where she didn't speak the language, didn't know anyone. why? because apparently, she ran away from home, and when the police picked her up, she gave them a false name, which happened to belong to a 22-year-old illegal immigrant who had a lot of arrest warrants, so they're trying to get her back home. >> another reason not to lie to police. if you need another reason, don't lie to police. we've got a bunch more on the docket for you as well,