voters thought could defeat barak obama. the best experience for a president, that one was interesting, too. working in business was the number one thing here. that also was mitt romney. so i want to take both of these for you and take them over to the other wall, kyra, to examine them a little bit more. look at that. gingrich was the second one that voters thought could defeat barak obama. rick santorum came in at 13%. ron paul, perry, bachmann, huntsman didn't even -- look at that. huntsman didn't even rate in terms of being able to defeat the president. then working in business. santorum also ranked up here, which is sort of interesting because he is the guy who also for being so much in politics, but ron paul, 18%. perry 11%. gingrich drops down to 8%. bachmann, 6%. nothing for huntsman. he's a big business person who understands the global economy as well. electability seems to be the