from a president who didn't deliver. it's the fundamentals, it's the ground game, that's what we do at the republican national committee. >> we get our first test tonight of intensity in the republican party. chairman, we'll talk to you in months ahead. beale s we'll see if you have to play more elbow. >> happy new year. >> happy new year to you, sir? tonight's truth maps out the biggest test for republicans tonight. now that some time has passed, herman cain responds to the allegations that derailed his presidential campaign. >> yes, i feel burned. those accusations were baseless. welcome to idaho, where they grow america's favorite potatoes. everyone knows idaho potatoes taste great. but did you know they're good for you too? they're high in vitamins and potassium. and idaho potatoes are now certified to carry the heart checkmark from the american heart association for foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol. so they're good for my family, and for yours.