declared, but this could be an ind kay or the of where she is leaning. this is what she is saying about the tour. >> well, it certainly looks like a campaign bus, and if you are not running for president, why the tour? >> this is not a campaign bus, but it is a bus to express to america how much we appreciate our foundation and to invite more people to be interested in all that is good about america, and to remind ourselves that we don't need to fundamentally transform america, but we need to restore what is good about america, and you can start by doing that right in here. so i am glad that you are here. >> and all of the sudden exposure stirs up extreme feelings on both sides. and pretty much two camps, the haters and the praisers and then those in the media who seem to obsessed, and what is it all about? joining me right now is to talk about palin's appeal is ford o'connell, a republican strategist and also real clear national reporter scott conroy, and cnn senior political editor mark preston.