then to the south in the gulf of mexico, the gulf of mexico is two degrees warmer than normal. so it's colder on one side of the jet, warmer on the other. that makes a stronger jet stream. stronger winds in the jet makes more sheer, more sheer will make more wind will make bigger tornadoes. that's where i think the theory comes in. there will be other peaces and parts put in there but that's the basis for what we believe has happened so far this year with more killer tornadoes than ever before. >> is there a connection to all these killer tornadoes we're seeing, chad, and the flooding, for example, that has been disastrous as well? is there some correlation that i'm missing? >> no, it's an interesting theory. i think that will be put in the mix, as well. very few tornadoes in texas and oklahoma until this week in oklahoma, but very few in texas. there's been a drought there. we talk about the fires in texas have been there all spring long. not as much humidity or rain on the ground doesn't make much humidity in the air. so the storms haven't been