transparent process, which is what we've advocated. my president has stated yet again at the time when the managing director stepped down. >> do you feel like the organization has an image problem after dominique strauss-kahn? >> i will really commit to stay for the entire duration of the term. i know it's a frustration on the part of the staff of the imf that work is undertaken, projects have begun and the director has to go for whatever reason. my commitment would be to actually stay throughout the term. >> christine lagarde and the other contenders in the running to replace strauss-kahn will no doubt be a talking point at 9 latest g8 summit which kicks off today. the french prime minister or president nicolas sarkozy is hosting the two-day event in deauville in northern france. security is tight as leaders from eight of the world's most powerful and largest economies

Related Keywords

Dominique Strauss Kahn ,President ,Organization ,Process ,Managing Director ,Image Problem ,Part ,Staff ,Imf ,Term ,Director ,Work ,Duration ,Frustration ,Projects ,Christine Lagarde ,G8 Summit ,Commitment ,Talking Point ,Reason ,Contenders ,Running ,No Doubt ,9 ,World ,Northern France ,Leaders ,Deauville ,Security ,Nicolas Sarkozy ,Economies ,Event ,Eight ,Two ,

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