off, take the shingles and the barn. it will damage the car with some hail. everybody will walk out of the house, and the windows will be broken, and you're fine. that's a typical, garden variety tornado. we are not seeing these. we are seeing large violent storms with large tornadoes over 150 miles per hour, one after the other, like a big rake just raking across the country. we raked across alabama. there had been 49. and today i know we're going to add to that number because there are fatalities already. there were 49 as of yesterday killer tornadoes so far this year. an average year, wolf, only has 22 killer tornadoes. we've doubled that. the number of tornadoes that have killed people approaching 50, and today will be well over that. if you keep on going, the numbers are staggering. the numbers for april, almost 1,000 tornadoes for the years so far. the first three months, we had like 50. april had so many more and now obviously may, the most active