around, anybody who's being totally honest these days knows that this country is headed for third world status. future generations won't have time for dreams, it will be all they can do to put food in their stomachs and find shelter from the elements. alex in washington says, not if this generation focuses more on xbox and face book instead of applying themselves to doing well in school. and if the american dream is to work for the department of motor vehicles and sit on your backside and collect a government handout, yes the american dream is alive and well. if you want to read more on this, go to my blog, file. >> people responding in big numbers on this question, jack? >> yes, they are. stunned witnesses say a nuclear bomb could not have caused as much damage. one of the worst tornadoes this country has ever seen tore through joplin, missouri, but will tuesday bring even more destruction? that's coming up at the top of