the only two that are still cresting is artificial. it's because we've opened the spillways and floodways. we're maintaining this via other measures. there's still a lot of pressure on this big system. in fact, the river is still in flood which means you're above flood stage, all the way up towards cape girardeau, missouri. so this is a long way where we all this water, all this pressure. we've also had record volume of water moving through here. all that causes stress on this main system. certainly we're not out of the woods yet. take a look at vicksburg. we have crested here. but the river remains 13.8 feet above flood stage. 14.8 feet above flood stage at red river landing -- i cannot say that one, can't i -- natchez, 13.7 feet above flood stage. baton rouge cresting at 9.7 above and holding at 17 feet now