you can google us. we have a wonderful time. it all started because it was scholarship sponsored by duct brand duct tape. they will enter as a couple and the winners will win $5,000 each. and the school has an opportunity to win 5,000 and second place is 3,$000 a piece. these outfits are wonderful. >> everything is duct tape. >> that's wire. >> but it's all duct tape and i wonder -- i went to -- i passed these guys as i was running to the restroom between shows. how do you guys go to the bathroom in these things? >> we had people fall trying to put their duct tape on. it's warm, but during our prom it was a little cool so they were wonderful. >> it was march. >> march. >> who will win? >> they all want to win. >> come on, guys, don't be shy. who is going to win? >> these all really great. best of luck. >> thank you. i'm going to east georgia college to teach their part time.