leases on and off shore. >> they follow similar moves by the gop in the house. they have opened up several areas for coastal drilling. >> thousands of people who thought they won a green card to stay in the country are now out of luck. the u.s. state department is invalidating results post eed o its website thanks to a computer glitch. every year, millions worldwide apply for just 50 green cards. a new lottery will be held in july. in the space center in florida, the countdown has begun for the last mission. "endeavor" is expected to get off on monday. mark kelly is commanding the flight. his wife, injured congresswoman gabby giffords is expected to attend the launch. more on the story of desperate measures along the mississippi river. they're opening the morganza

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People ,Country ,Thousands ,In The House ,Luck ,Areas ,Moves ,Eleases ,Drilling ,Green Card ,Shore ,Gop ,Us State Department ,Millions ,Lottery ,Cards ,Website ,Computer Glitch ,Need O ,Invalidating Results ,50 ,Mission ,Countdown ,Space Center ,Endeavor ,South Florida ,Morganza Spillway ,Mark Kelly ,More ,Gabby Giffords ,Mississippi River ,Launch ,Flight ,Story ,Measures ,Injured ,

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