let's remember, 9/11 hijackers here in the u.s. were documented to have been going to strip clubs before, and all these people who claim to be these ultrareligious types, and i think it exposes the fraud. you know, both reza and peter are quite right. we're not sure who in the compound, but this is part of bin laden's entourage, and the notion that these people who claim sort of the religious right, i think it goes to the hypocrisy of it. >> thanks for being with us. let us know what you think at home on facebook or twitter. we'll be tweeting tonight. up next, how the former president george bush got the answer to his call for osama bin laden, dead or alive. and his closest ally, tony claire sits down with anderson. >> what bin laden's death does, if you kill large numbers of people by terrorism, that will catch up with you in the end. >> later, moammar gadhafi is taunting the world.