did not even know franklin delano roosevelt was in a wheelchair! but now it is a topic that carries a lot of political weight and one we can't get enough of, because frankly, they won't let us! so "talk back" question today -- are politicians revealing too much. facebo facebook.com/carolcnn. i'll be eager once again to read your comments. >> come on, carol. don't you think it makes them more appealing? >> there's a line! >> you can kind of relate -- >> i don't want to see my lawmaker half-naked. i just want them to do their jobs. >> even if it is a six-pack? >> i'd rather they use this up here. that's just me, though. i'm old-fashioned. >> i don't think you're all that old-fashioned. i can hardly wait to hear what folks have got to say about this one. it is going to be a fun one. here's what's ahead on the rundown. first we are watching the water rise. we'll have a live report from greenville, mississippi.