baton rouge may 22nd and new orleans the next day. only seep this much water in memphis one other time in recorded history, back in the 1930s. but the city's levees are expected to protect some of the city's most treasured land marks like the sun studio where elvis recorded some of his biggest hits and graceland where the king lived and beale street. >> rob marciano is live in memphis this morning, a city full of history as you can see and mixing history because of the level of the flooding, rob? >> very much so. the -- where we're at right now is pretty much where we're going to be several days if you can believe that. talk about a crest n floods we talk about a crest and once the crest comes we start to relax and, you know, the waters recede fairly rapidly. with this it's not going to be the case. it's going to be at this level for several days. we're at riverside drive, which is beale street down here. then on the other side of this railing, that should be a park. and the river should be hundreds